History West Inaugural Lecture, rescheduled: Matt Trinca, ‘Reading Western Australia in the National Past’

Unfortunately the Royal Western Australian Historical Society’s inaugural History West lecture (which was going to be held on 23rd September) has had to be postponed.

The current COVID restrictions which are likely to remain in place for some months yet have made it impossible for guest lecturer Dr Mathew Trinca, who lives in NSW, to travel to WA. Although an alternate Zoom lecture was proposed instead when the restrictions first came into place, the RWAHS decided not to proceed with this format as it would not have the impact and purpose the Society had intended and also would be unsatisfactory for the audience. All things going well, the lecture will take place in 2022, with the RWAHS fixing a new date as soon as all relevant matters can be finalized. Dr Trinca is still keen to present his lecture ‘The experiences and life stories of Western Australians are fundamental to understanding Australia’s continental and national history.....The nation’s story is not a single thing but a work in common, composed of the many-stranded stories of people across the country who contribute to the unique character of Australian society.'

The History Council WA will keep members informed on the rescheduling of this event as soon as details come to hand or members can contact the RWAHS directly - admin@histwest.org.au

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