President's Report

The History Council has worked hard in 2021 to engage stakeholders in planning for 2029.  We are delighted to be working with colleagues at Reconciliation WA, the Water Corp, Curtin, UWA and Notre Dame to host an event in 2022, which will feature a major public lecture from Prof Henry Reynolds on the subject of ‘Truth Telling’.  This will be accompanied by the History Council’s summit of history, heritage, Indigenous, government and community stakeholders, in which we hope to establish strategic principles to shape our recognition of the 200th anniversaries of Albany (2026) and the Swan River Colony (2029).  We are actively looking for the means to support regional contributors joining us for that occasion. 

I was delighted that the state government recently met with us to discuss planning for 2029, and am looking forward to further discussions in which we will identify opportunities for collaboration.

As you’ll read below, we have also had the privilege of reviewing around 20 excellent nominations for the inaugural History Council of WA Awards.  The Awards will recognise outstanding contributions to understandings of and advocacy for Western Australian history.  Winners will be announced at our AGM on 27 October.

And, finally, as we prepare for the 2021 AGM, I must take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful contributions made by members of our council, all of whom are volunteers.  I particularly thank Nick Drew, Pam Harris and Vanessa Kirkham, all of whom have decided to retire from the committee this year.  They are dear colleagues who have made generous and significant contributions to Western Australian history for many years.  Thanks, also, to Lucy Hair for her work as secretary of the History Council, without whom we would be much poorer in impact, and my colleagues Bruce Baskerville (vice president), Jenny Gregory, Bobbie Oliver, Cindy Solonec, Helen Munt, Samantha Owen, Bri Mckenzie, Justin Owen, Kyra Edwards, Toni Church, Geoff Moore, Lorraine Clarke and John Toohey.

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